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Univers and Onamba Corporation concludes a business alliance agreement

Singapore, 13 May 2024 – We are pleased to inform you that we have recently concluded a business alliance agreement with Onamba Corporation, which is developing comprehensive solutions for electricity creation, storage, and energy conservation to realize a carbon-neutral society. Through this business alliance, we will contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society in Japan by promoting the dissemination in the Japanese market of EnOS, an operating system that links IoT devices and optimizes energy operations.


Reasons and Purposes of Business Alliance

We support the efforts of local governments, organizations and companies in energy management and carbon management through the provision of EnOS. EnOS has already linked 20% of its renewable energy sources worldwide (approximately 600GW) to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and achieve efficient and effective use of renewable energy.

On the other hand, Onamba is developing comprehensive solutions for power generation, storage, and energy conservation to realize a carbon-neutral society offered by a comprehensive wiring system manufacturer. The company’s energy monitoring and control system, the Photovoltaic Intelligent Monitoring & Control System PVU-Finder, is linked to 3500 power plants (power capacity: 3.2GW), mainly large-scale power plants in Japan.

Through our business alliance, we intend to add monitoring and control expertise unique to the Japanese market, which has been built by Onamba, to the monitoring and control technology that we have cultivated in the global market through the linkage between cloud AI and client assets. In this way, we intend to fully contribute to the maturation of the Japanese energy-operation industry.

Specifically, we will raise the cyber security of data points at power stations, which have been a challenge in recent years, and in order to optimize energy operations through the use of multiple renewable energy power sources, loads, storage batteries, and EV in a multi-tied manner, we will introduce an advanced approach to control via “Edge Computing +Cloud AI Soft” into the Japanese marketplace, enabling the flexible operation of highly complex renewable energy power sources, thereby contributing to decarbonization of the Japanese society.

Through this business alliance, the two companies will further expand their solution services and expand sales, thereby realizing business growth and corporate development.


当社は、この度、カーボンニュートラル社会の実現に向けた創電・蓄電・省エネの総合ソリューションを展開しているオーナンバ株式会社と事業提携契約を締結しましたことをお知らせいたします。この度の事業提携を通じて、当社はIoTデバイス と連繋しエネルギー運用を最適化するオペレーティングシステム「EnOS(イーエヌオーエス)」の日本市場における普及促進を通じ、日本のカーボンニュートラル社会の実現に貢献してまいります。








具体的には、近年課題となっている発電所のデータポイントのサイバーセキュリティー性を引き上げ、Logic Program 制御では限界がある、複数の再生エネルギー電源と負荷、蓄電池、EVとの多重連繋によるエネルギー運用の最適化に向け、”Edge Computing +Cloud AI Soft” による制御コントロールを行う先進型アプローチを日本市場に投入し、高度複雑化する再生エネルギー電源の柔軟な運用を可能にし、日本社会の脱炭素化に貢献していきたく存じます。



Onamba Corporation

Onamba Corporation is a comprehensive wire system manufacturer that has four major business areas: Wire Harnesses; Harness Processing Machinery and Parts; Renewable Energy Resources; and Wires and Cables. Since early stage of company, it pursued overseas production of wire harnesses for consumer products, and has grown into a global company with operating companies in Japan and 7 overseas countries.

Additional information may be found at:
Website: https://onamba.co.jp/


Univers is a global decarbonization technology leader. Headquartered in Singapore, it supports over 800 customers across 45 countries, enabling their energy transition journey with its best-in-class end-to-end decarbonization system. Its customers and partners rank amongst the top companies in their industries.

Additional information may be found at:

Website: www.univers.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/univers-intl/

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